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Overwatch Will Be Free To Play For A Week For Nintendo Switch Online Subscribers

Team-based multiplayer shooters have been popular for years now. There have been many in this space, but one that has had a huge following since day one has been Overwatch from Blizzard Entertainment.

It just gets the competitive shooter genre right with its bevy of playable heroes, diversity in attacks, and high skill ceiling. The game is about to turn five years old and even still in 2020, it’s a competitive shooter that is still thriving.

If you have a Nintendo Switch Online account, you’re in luck too. For roughly a week, you’ll have the chance to play Overwatch on the Nintendo Switch absolutely free. That’s the perfect opportunity for those that haven’t had the chance to join in on the still growing sensation to see what they’ve been missing. The free-play window starts on October 13 and lasts until October 21.

Overwatch has been available on the Switch for almost a year now and thus far, players have had a lot of positive things to say. There have been some major performance issues, but the developer has made noteworthy patches that addressed most of the community’s concerns.

Going head to head in team-based battles on the Switch’s portable screen has gotten many Switch users excited. It’s a different type of feeling compared to playing on a traditional screen. You can take your competitive matches on the go and aren’t limited by a cord.

Fans of this shooter have known about the development of Overwatch 2. It has the chance to do some pretty big things for the shooter space in general, but it could still be several years off. In the meantime, Overwatch is still thriving and has gotten better with time.

Checking it out on the Switch makes these shooting experiences all the more unique and fun. It’s a great move for Blizzard to open up this game to Nintendo Switch Online subscribers.

They’ll be able to attract a whole new audience that might buy the original after this free preview week ends. That’s the hope anyway until they can finish up working on the sequel.

If you’re one of the lucky gamers checking this game out for the first time on the Switch, you have a lot of memorable matches to look forward to.

The shooting mechanics are great, there is plenty of detail in the maps, and the strengths that you can develop will have you coming back on a consistent basis. It’s rare that a game like Overwatch dominates a genre for years. It just shows how much people love this game even in 2020.