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Wowhead Has Published How-To Guides For Every Class And Specialization Going Into World Of Warcraft: Shadowlands

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is bringing a massive number of changes to the classes of the game. With so much changing, it’s a bit overwhelming to even decide what you want to play, and with prepatch dropping this Tuesday there isn’t much time left to decide where you want to focus your first burst of attention.

The changes are coming in from top to bottom. Talent overhauls, new abilities added, plenty of abilities removed, and to top it all off, a drastic leveling squish that’ll change the way the game progresses entirely.

Once you’ve decided what to play – or if you still need a bit of help picking what you want to take into the Shadowlands – Wowhead is here to help! The writers over at Wowhead have released how-to-play guides for the classes.

Each and every class and the specs for them have been given their own personalized guide, written by experts on each individual combination. Twelve classes, all in all, totaling in thirty-six guides, have been released.

That means every class now has a thorough, well-written walkthrough and guide, with all three specs! Demon Hunters only get two for having only Havoc and Vengeance specs, whereas all four Druid specs – Guardian, Feral, Balance, and Restoration – have been given theirs.

These aren’t just written by random players, either. Names like Tettles and Xyronic, two well-known professional players that were also casters for the recent Mythic Dungeon International, are up on the list of authors.

Of course, these walkthroughs are guides on how to get through the class with a strong start. There’s no reason to take these as the only way to play your class or chosen specialization if you prefer a different rotation or build.

They’ll also need to be updated as the expansion moves on, as players will see any number of patches and updates that make much of the information out of date. There’s a good chance you can expect some updates throughout the year!

The guides are easy to navigate on Wowhead’s website, the announcement being found here. Simply go to the Classes header and pick what class and specialization you’re looking for to go straight to the prepatch guide!

Once prepatch ends, much of this will be updated, with new gear and abilities coming through, as well as Covenant powers throwing plenty of things out of whack. With such expert guides to help you adjust to the massive changes coming, the Shadowlands are posing just a bit less of a threat.