Toya Johnson is organizing a virtual Weight No More event. You probably know that these events used to raise awareness about obesity and overweight and Toya continues the great work in this direction.
Check out the recent post that she dropped on her social media account below.
‘I’m super excited about our virtual 5k! It’s disappointing that we can’t do our annual 5k in person but that won’t stop our mission. Guess what?! We’ve teamed up with our guy @iamthekingoffitness to give you a dope virtual experience through the new @lovelybodiesfitness app,’ Toya captioned her post.
She continued and said: ‘This way we can see each other running or walking the 5k and can support & cheer each other on! Super dope! Get into this fitness! Visit to download the app on October 1st! Let’s get it! #wnm #wnmvirtual5k.’
Her fans were beyond excited and they made sure to tell this to Toya in the comments.
She has also been sharing pics of her loved ones on her IG account. For instance just the other day, she dropped this gem:
A fan said the following: ‘Toya you’re such a natural beauty all natural its so cool to see this nowadays both beautiful tho.’
Another follower praised her and said: ‘You are the most beautiful woman ever ’
Someone else said: ‘@toyajohnson … Clear skin …af… Let us in on the secrets ’ and a follower posted this: ‘@lala is the one baby
sis look blessed
Seems like last night was a movie
One commenter said this: ‘Lala where did you get that outfit from that is too cute.’
In other news, Toya Johnson praised her baby girl, Reign Rushing, and posted a photo of her on her social media account.
Fans and followers were in awe, and they made sure to praise the baby girl.