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The Best Attack Damage Carry And Support Duo Players At League Of Legends World Championship 2020

Over the past year, the bottom lane meta for competitive League of Legends has gone through many shifts. And now that the 2020 World Championship is right around the corner, we get to witness some of the most dominant duos from around the globe clash.

It’s been a rough season for fans of flashy ADCs, especially with many teams opting into champions like Ashe and Senna for a more supportive playstyle. Nevertheless, the marksman role is still as essential as ever if a team wants to make the next leap into superstardom.

Supports, on the other hand, have risen to become one of the most underrated roles in the professional League scene. Their ability to maintain vision for their team, roam the map to make plays, and protect their ADC partner shouldn’t be taken for granted.

Gen.G’s Ruler and Life

As one of Korea’s master-student combos, Ruler and Life stand as one of the most talented pairs on Summoner’s Rift. Gen.G’s veteran superstar marksman has remained one of the most influential players on his team from a position that’s been pushed into a more utility-based role.

Although he did play a good share of Ashe this past summer, he also played a ton of Ezreal and Kalista—and he dominated by leading the league in kills and damage numbers, according to Oracle’s Elixir. In a world where ADCs are relegated to second-fiddle, he stands above by playing as a true carry and rising to the occasion for his team.

Meanwhile, Life’s professional career might have just started in 2018, but he’s been a great partner beside Ruler over this short time. He also had 310 assists during the 2020 Summer Split, which was the fifth most in the LCK.

He’s stayed consistent in his ability to flip between being the main engage tool or main peel for Ruler to let him take over. The veteran ADC is able to stretch his wings and fly to new heights because of this.

DRX’s Deft and Keria

DRX’s veteran ADC Deft and his 17-year-old support phenom, Keria, are right up there with Ruler and Life, however. Although many people might be looking at the team’s superstar mid laner Chovy, don’t forget that this bottom lane was one of the best in the region during the regular season.

Deft will be bringing a ton of Worlds experience to the table after another solid season, while many people will be looking at Keria to rise even higher after this past split.

This fiery Worlds newcomer had 401 assists during the Summer Split—which was far and away the most in the LCK—and even had a sky-high 72.3 percent kill participation percentage.

There’s no doubt that Chovy will be the center of attention for DRX, but Keria has proven to be one of the best supports in Korea. He and Deft will be a problem for any duo to handle at Worlds 2020.

JD Gaming’s LokeN and LvMao

JD Gaming has a fiery lineup across Summoner’s Rift and their bottom lane will be bringing a ton of spice to Worlds this year. What makes LokeN and LvMao so strong is that the former is able to take over the laning phase, which allows the latter to roam the map and make plays for the rest of the team.

LokeN has the highest KDA of any LPL ADC and he has some respectable early-game stats as well. Although he isn’t the most exciting player on the team, he understands what he needs to do to bring JDG success.

Meanwhile, many people consider LvMao as the best support at the tournament. He has the ability to find multiple crossmap plays alongside star jungler Kanavi and he has a penchant for flashy plays that only a player of his caliber could pull off.

With the most assists in the league, the second-highest KDA among LPL supports, and an impressive 70.5 percent kill participation percentage, it’s clear that LvMao will be active around the Rift from minute one. The 24-year-old will be making his first Worlds appearance, but he’s also a huge reason why JDG are one of the favorites at this tournament.