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Rasheeda Frost Is Going Crazy In A Hotel With Kirk Frost For Three Days – Check Out Her Video

Rasheeda Frost shared a video on her social media account in which she is featured with Kirk Frost. She told fans that they are going crazy in a hotel for more than three days, and people don’t understand how she can feel like that in such a beautiful location.

More people are confused, and they don’t quite understand what happened.

Rasheeda said: ‘Back to work but them COVID protocols are real me & @frost117 been going crazy for 3.5 days in our hotel, but it’s almost time.’

Someone exclaimed: ‘Awwwww Sheeda! You got this!!! Be safe! I miss my family!! ❤️’ and a commenter posted this: ‘Hilarious losing it in a beautiful place with money and it’s been 3 days 🤷🏽‍♀️.’

A fan posted this: ‘You’re in my backyard. 💧This AZ 🌵 Sun ☀️ is doing ya skin right.’

A commenter posted this message: ‘I’ve been on quarantine since the 4th, and I have Covid….. yall will be aight.’

Someone else wrote: ‘Beautiful place to lose your mind at tho…go crazy there…❤️’ and a commenter said: ‘Arizona is beautiful, miss it so much.’

A fan posted this: ‘This is what I like to see, this is why I follow you no joke, and you show the world that you do follow the rules, thank you.’

One other follower said: ‘All I do is go to work and home ugh 😑 bless you and family.’

A fan posted this: ‘It looks like your here in Our great Arizona Weather right now. I hope you get to enjoy it soon. ☀️

Someone else said: ‘And that’s a beautiful site to admire and adore. I would love to be on quarantine with my hubby.’

In other recent news, Rasheeda Frost is advertising some clothes from her Pressed Boutique, and fans are completely in love.

Check out the clip that she shared on her social media account.

Rasheeda Frost’s Fans Want Men’s Fashion In Her Pressed Shop – It Should Be Called ‘The Kirk Collection’ »