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Michelle Obama Speaks About The Importance Of Voting

Election Day is around the corner, and Michelle Obama is speaking on the importance of voting. She encourages people to vote on November 3rd.

A follower said: ‘They really want Biden to win huh 🤔’ and someone else posted this: ‘If Donald Trump wins this election I’m done with America, period 😒👋🏽.’

A fan praised Michelle: ‘My forever First Lady ❤️❤️❤️’ and someone else said: ‘If y’all think that anything that Joe Biden will do will put us in a worse predicament than trump, then you deserve whatever you get.’

Someone else said: ‘Who else is voting for Michelle to be President ⁉️’ and a follower priased her as well: ‘she looks good as she should !!’

Another follower said: ‘A black woman a mother….telling us how we can protect ourselves…. its really that simple,’ and one other commenter posted this: ‘I just can’t get passed how gorgeous she is😭 but Mrs. Obama can u run for pres next?🥴

One follower posted: ‘Our forever First Lady of the United States ✊🏾

Someone else said: ‘I can’t believe our own people look at this woman and constantly call her a man. Y’all are so sick, which is why y’all love running to these light-skinned women. Dark skin is always masculine and manly to y’all.’

Someone else said this: ‘Either way. It’s the puppet show. Whatever they have planned will continue, whether it’s Biden or Trump. They present it to the public as if we have a choice, but all it is is one evil party with two different names. Partake in your local elections. That’s more impactful. Peace, everybody.’

Last month Michelle Obama made headlines again.

After spending the last few months cooped up with their parents because of the quarantine, it sounds like Michelle and Barack Obama’s daughters, Sasha and Malia, are sick and tired of them!

This is what the previous First Lady of the United States claims!