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Melania Trump’s Former BFF Releases Taped Phone Call Of The FLOTUS Saying She Doesn’t ‘Give A F**k’ About The White House Christmas Decorations!

Now, that is really awkward! According to new reports, the First Lady’s former best friend, Stephanie Winston Wolkoff has shared some of their recorded phone calls on CNN’s Anderson Cooper 360 and now the public gets to see a completely different side of Melania Trump.

In fact, remember that infamous ‘I really don’t care, do you?’ jacket?

Well, it feels more and more like that is Melania’s go-to mood!

That being said, in addition to dissing Christmas decorations, and even showing no empathy towards the emigrant kids separated from their families at the border, the First Lady also complained about all the people saying she was ‘complicit’ with her husband, the POTUS.

As you probably know, while at the White House, the First Lady is responsible with decorating its grand halls for Christmas, but while that is considered a huge honor, Melania could not care less about the trees and the lights and all of that!

During a phone call with Wolkoff, Melania can be heard telling her ex BFF that: ‘I’m working like a — my a** off at Christmas stuff, who gives a f**k about Christmas stuff and decorations.’

This recording is actually only one of the many that Wolkoff decided to make public and most of them paint Melania in a less than favorable light.

This also comes after she also published a tell all book appropriately titled Melania and Me.

Melania goes on in the recording: ‘But I need to do it, right? Correct? They say I’m complicit. I’m the same like him. I support him. I don’t say enough. I don’t do enough.’

During another taped phone call, Melania Trump once again acknowledges that people really don’t like her husband: ‘I don’t give a f**k. It’s true, it’s true. Honestly, it’s like — I’m doing the same stuff that I did before. They cannot stand him.’