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Matthew Broderick Reveals He Almost Turned Down Iconic Ferris Bueller Role

According to Matthew Broderick, he nearly made a decision he may have regretted for the rest of his life. Just Jared reported on an interview with Broderick this week in which he talked about his role in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, which is arguably the actor’s most iconic movie.

During a conversation with Bruce Bozzi on his show, Quarantined, the star feared taking the role would make him the type of actor who “talked to the camera.” Matthew said that he had just starred in Brighton Beach and Biloxi Blues, and he had to talk to the audience in those productions.

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In other words, Broderick feared he would be type-casted as the type of actor who always talked to the audience, so he thought about turning it down and opting for something else. Broderick recalls thinking to himself at the time, “I have to do something different.”

While he questioned whether or not he should take it, many of his fans and friends urged him to take it because it was created by John Hughes, who was a respected filmmaker at the time and still is today.

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Matthew said his agent was behind him while taking the phone call, and he remembers him saying, “yes, you should do it,” before even hanging up. Broderick says his agent told him repeatedly it would be best if he took the role.

Obviously, this was the right choice for Matthew, because Ferris Bueller’s Day Off has become a classic. The last time we heard from Matthew was when the actor’s sister was struggling with the coronavirus earlier in the year.

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As it was previously reported, Matthew’s sister, who just so happens to be a pastor, contracted COVID-19 after going to an event for preachers from all over the United States of America.

When she sat down for a conversation with reporters from New York Magazine, Janet Broderick, Matthew’s sister, explained how she thought she was going to die after contracting the virus. At one point, she had a fever of around 102 degrees, Janet explained.