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Kamala Harris Sets Some Things Straight About Taxes – Check Out Her Message

There have been all kinds of rumours going on about what the Biden administration would do regarding taxes, and now, Kamala Harris wants to set the record straight.

Check out the message that she posted on her social media account.

Someone said: ‘But raising Capital Gains on those that do will crash the markets where working-class has 401k investments & many pension funds will finally go bust… But I guess you can just print a few more trillions to make up the difference.’

A follower posted this ‘So…be clear then. Will you state for the record that you and/or Biden will never sign anything rescinding/removing/diminishing or otherwise affecting the Trump Tax Cuts?’

Someone else said: ‘Doesn’t matter if you like Trump or not… what Trump promised Americans, he kept. First time I’ve ever seen someone in government actually follow through with his promises. Now we are hearing from a typical politician… “I promise I won’t raise taxes”… absolutely hilarious!’

A commenter posted this: ‘As someone who grew up in a European country, I find this lie hilarious. It starts at 400k; then they’ll go to 300k, then 200k, then 100k, etc. Once they start taxing, they start spending, then the money isn’t enough. Solution: more taxes. Always the same old lies and theft.’

Kamala also made sure to tell her followers on Twitter that they should remain vigilant these days because the new coronavirus is making more and more victims.

Here’s her post:

Stay tuned for more relevant news and stay safe!