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At This Elder Son Maddox Chivan Jolie-Pitt Birthday Party, Brad Pitt Was Missing

For the sake of the children, Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were unable to put their past differences behind them and keep a cordial relationship after their divorce.

The couple’s heirs reside with the actress; paparazzi frequently photograph them out for a stroll or doing their shopping. The “Fight Club” star allegedly helps out with kid rearing, but they haven’t been spotted together in a while.

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Maddox, Brad and Angelina’s oldest son, turned 21 on August 5. The birthday kid started his holiday celebrations on Friday, and the festivities will go through Sunday.

The star heir will spend the weekend with his mother and siblings; an insider told ET. What about dad, though?

As he is presently on tour promoting the new movie Faster than a Bullet, in which he co-starred, Brad Pitt is apparently unable to attend his son’s birthday. But we’re certain that the actor called the heir to congratulate him.

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The insider also revealed that after the celebration, Maddox would assist his younger sister Zahara in moving to Atlanta.

Zahara will start attending Spelman College, a prestigious liberal arts school for black women, in the fall.

The source alleged that Brad “truly misses Maddox and was genuinely trying to rebuild their connection, but he has reached a block.”

The reality is that Maddox still finds it tough to move past what transpired between them, the insider said, adding that Maddox “can’t forget how his dad treated him back then.”

“Maddux won’t give anyone much time if they challenge his mother. For her, he would do anything, the insider claimed.


By the way, it appears that Brad Pitt is making an effort to stay in touch with the kids following their mother’s divorce; for instance, he recently told reporters that Shiloh’s dancing creates an impact on him.