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Cyberpunk 2077 Is Still Targeted For A December 10th Release, As Reported By Developer In Recent Financial Report

You won’t find many games as promoted and talked about as Cyberpunk 2077. It’s probably the most anticipated game of 2020 for almost everyone in this industry and rightfully so. It has shown promising elements that many have hoped for in a next-gen game.

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A lot of talk has centered around whether or not Cyberpunk 2077 would actually come out on December 10th like the developer claims it is. This sci-fi RPG has faced multiple setbacks already so it wouldn’t be surprising for another delay to get in the way of players finally being able to experience Night City.

Well if you’ve had your doubts, maybe some more news might keep you hopeful. The game’s developer — CD Projekt Red — recently put out some financial reports for this third quarter. In it they talked about sales of probably their most popular game up to this point in The Witcher 3.

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They also re-affirmed that December 10th is a solid date that they have every intention of meeting for Cyberpunk 2077. We’ve heard this confirmation before, but maybe there is a little more weight behind this report considering it is included in an official financial statement intended for investors.

Anything is really possible at this point. 2020 has been a crazy year for every industry around the world. The pandemic has crippled a lot of economic sectors and has had a huge presence in the video game industry. Developers have had to face new realities, but have adjusted pretty well for the most part.

CD Projekt Red seems confident they can deliver a finished product. If you think about how long they’ve worked on this game, surely there is light at the end of the tunnel as far as the release. What else could possibly go wrong?

Knock on wood things go smoothly for the developer from here on out because Cyberpunk 2077 has so many excited about what it can do, both in terms of gameplay and visuals. Gamers have experienced a lot of setbacks this year and another blow to this game would be monumentally disappointing.

The developer has done their best to keep fans in the loop, as well as keep the hype going strong with free in-game rewards and details from Keanu Reeves. It also has been exciting learning more about the game every week through the Night City Wire event.

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We may be in a pandemic still, but CD Projekt Red has delivered a lot of fun content showing just how incredible of a game Cyberpunk 2077 is going to be. Only a couple of more weeks of waiting, hopefully.