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Fnatic’s Selfmade Made Furors On The International Stage, Said That He Is One Of The Best Junglers From Europe

Fnatic’s star jungler Selfmade wasn’t short on confidence following his team’s victory against Gen.G, one of the favorites to win the 20202 League of Legends World Championship, earlier today.

The 20-year-old is considered one of the best junglers from Europe. Selfmade’s aggressive playstyle and consistent performances make him the ultimate carry in the current League meta. And this sentiment isn’t just shared by the community.

Selfmate said Fnatic’s team play has elevated his own prevalence in the jungle. Support player Hylissang, in particular, has seen great success on his aggressive Leona playstyle in the bottom lane, which Selfmade believes was crucial to Fnatic’s success against Gen.G.

Both Rekkles and Hylissang dominated arguably the best bot lane duo in Gen.G’s Ruler and Life because of Selfmade’s presence toward the bottom side of the map. Tower dive after tower dive, Fnatic drained the bot lane of all early-game power.

“When Hylissang called to dive him again when he teleported, I was like ‘OK let’s go, let’s have some fun this game,’” Selfmate said. “It was a pretty fun game I was laughing a lot, enjoying it, and now I’m just happy with the victory.”

This type of playstyle has worked out for Fnatic, especially in the current meta, which has a heavy emphasis on the jungle position. “I just feel like the current meta is pretty good for us, right, because it’s heavy jungle orientated, jungle and support,” Selfmate said.

But Selfmade isn’t looking to just earn the Worlds title—he’s here to prove a point. He wants to display his true talent in the jungle and the immense impact he can have from one of the strongest roles in League.

“I’m pretty much one of the best junglers to ever represent Europe,” he said. “I don’t want to sound cocky but, it’s based on my experience.”

Selfmade has proved to be extremely reliable on the international stage. He carried Fnatic through the jaws of defeat multiple times in LEC and replicated that on the international stage as well. He looks really strong for his first World Championship appearance and that makes him one of the hottest agents in the offseason. If Fnatic won’t match up what he asks, then he will easily find another team within the region or abroad.

While FNC looks shakier compared to the roster with Broxah in the past, they’re still a pretty good team who can make a name for themselves on the international stage.