World Of Warcraft: Classic To Begin Testing The Plague Quarter Of Naxxramas Raid Tomorrow

Testing continues in the World of Warcraft: Classic client, where the development team at Blizzard is working towards getting the Naxxramas raid all tested and finished up. Players are being called on once again to come and help.

This time, the testing location in question is the Plague Quarter of the Naxxramas raid, checking off another wing. The testing is set to begin tomorrow, Wednesday, October 21st, between the hours of 2:00 p.m. PDT (5:00 p.m. EDT) to 6:00 p.m. PDT (9:00 p.m. EDT).

There are three bosses waiting for players to come and butt their heads against them in the Plague Quarter, each fitting the theme as the wings of Naxxramas tend to. Here, players will fight against classic bosses Noth the Plaguebringer, Heigan the Unclean, and Loatheb.

This isn’t a beta or any sort of gameplay-centric test, though. Players are being sent into an unfinished and knowingly-problematic area in hopes that they can go through and find a few things to fix for the developers.

That means that players shouldn’t be expecting to grab a raid team and go into the raid on a first chance basis. Instead, players are being sent in to test the mechanics of the bosses to make sure things are working as intended.

To this end, as with all the other tests, players are being provided with a powerful zone aura within Naxxramas that provides a massive boost to health and damage. This is intended to make difficulty a bit of a non-factor so that players can experience the mechanics.

To enter the zone, players can find Johnny McWeaksauce (yes, that’s their real name) in Light’s Hope Chapel within the Eastern Plaguelands. This NPC will provide instant attunement and teleportation to the Naxxramas raid.

Within, players can also find Jimmy McWeaksauce to find access to consumables and reagents. These are important to test as well to ensure there isn’t a snag between the consumables and the raid.

Players that wish to enter with a full raid are encouraged to do so, as the more testers the better. Many are grabbing a pick-up group (PUG) and charging into the raid, but this is far from a professional raiding environment.

But if you can’t find a raid, don’t be concerned about not being able to make progress. Blizzard is insistent that players should be able to make considerable progress throughout the raid utilizing the powerful boost aura that they’re providing. Once there, just make sure you utilize the in-game bug reporter to help send the developers the bugs they need to fix.