Will Smith Is Tentatively Trying To Return To Social Media

Will Smith has had a roller coaster of a year in 2022. He looked like he was flying high at first as he was nominated for an Oscar for his role in King Richard but right on the night that he was to win said Oscar, Smith lost his temper as Chris Rock made a joke about his wife Jada Pinkett Smith. Will walked up on the stage, slapped Chris Rock in the face and the rest is, as they say, history.

The incident followed a complete shutdown of social media as people from all walks of life went crazy commenting on the incident. Will Smith faced a world of backlash for his actions, part of which was him getting banned from attending the Academy Awards for a full decade, and another part of which was the millions of social media users coming to attack Will for his actions.

Will apologized for his behavior on Twitter but understandably took a break from social media following that.

After many many months, Will recently resurfaced online via Youtube as he made a lengthy apology video in which he talked about the Oscars incident in depth and answered all the questions that were lingering on people’s minds.

Now, several weeks after the apology video, it seems that Will is tentatively ready to enter the world of social media again.

Will recently posted this video on his social media, with the hilarious caption, “Me trying to get back on social media.”

Surprisingly, the social media that has a tendency to be cruel was very warm and welcoming to Smith as comments poured in asking the Fresh Prince of Bel-Air to return. It seems that Will Smith’s sincere apologies to his fans have worked and his honesty during this entire situation has won them over.

Will mentioned in his apology video that he has reached out to Chris Rock but has gotten the response that Rock isn’t ready to talk to him yet. Although that loose end is yet to be tied, Will’s return to social media and the warm acceptance from fans seems like a step in the right direction for Will to reclaim his normal life.