Warhorse Studios’ Kingdom Come: Deliverance Live-Action Adaptation Announced

Warhorse Studios has announced a live-action adaptation of its 2018 RPG Kingdom Come: Deliverance. The game is now considered complete with hundreds of hours to enjoy from the main story and multiple story DLCs.

The live-action project doesn’t have many details yet, including if the game would be adapted into a film or a series. Warhorse Studios‘ CEO Martin Frývaldský has announced he’s teaming up with former Netflix executive Erik Barmack to bring the project to life. They are currently seeking writers and directors.

Kingdom Come: Deliverance the game was brought to life in part thanks to supporters on Kickstarter. Warhorse Studios set out to develop a realistic, historically accurate RPG, from the people, locations, and combat. There are no fantasy elements or magic to help Henry, only his sword fighting and archery skills, which must be developed from nothing. Even the most basic skills, like reading, have to be learned.

The game stars a young man named Henry, a blacksmith’s son. In the beginning, his life is normal, with dates with his girlfriend, causing some trouble with his friends, and helping his father collect debts and work in the shop. One tragic day, Henry’s life completely changes.

“The biggest feedback we got from the gaming community and reviewers is that this is a very believable and also very…

Posted by Kingdom Come: Deliverance on Friday, October 9, 2020

Henry’s journey begins when his life changes for the worse. A mercenary raid attacks Henry’s village, burning it to the ground, and in the process, kills his parents. The mercenaries are cruel enough to take the last sword his father would ever forge, which was created for Lord Radzig Koblya. Henry manages to escape to seek out the help of his Lord, along with a few other survivors.

From there, players will spend hours as Henry, completing side quests, helping his Lord, and maybe getting involved in a new relationship. While he doesn’t know how to do much at first, players can build up Henry’s skills, obtain new armor, and increase his combat skills. Henry won’t become king, but he can become someone who fights for the future of Bohemia.

Tobias Stolz-Zwilling, PR manager at Warhorse Studios, commented about the game’s reception from fans, stating in a Variety article:

The biggest feedback we got from the gaming community and reviewers is that this is a very believable and also very relatable story where it is easy to identify with a not so heroic hero.

There is currently no information on when the live-action adaptation of Kingdom Come: Deliverance will be released since it’s still early in development.