Today Is The Day—US Rolls Out COVID-19 Vaccinations

The day is finally here. Health officials began what is being called the most extensive vaccination campaign in our nations’ history.

Those individuals that are first on the list to receive the newly approved COVID-19 are those workers within the health care arena. After receiving her shot today, Sandra Lindsay, a critical care nurse, said: “I feel hopeful today. Relieved.”

The much-coveted frozen vial shipments, manufactured by Pfizer Inc and its partner German company BioNTech, have been arriving at hospitals around the nation all morning.

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said of the initial vaccinations: “This is the light at the end of the tunnel. But it’s a long tunnel.”

Along with the United States, several other countries have moved forward and approved the vaccine. However, the United States is a little behind the game, as the UK started vaccinating their citizens last week.

With the coronavirus pandemic continuing to surge and take lives, both here in the US and across the globe, the beginning of vaccinations gives those grief-stricken and exhausted front line responders some much-needed hope.

Shipped by truck and by plane throughout the country, from Pfizer’s Kalamazoo, Michigan factory on Sunday, the vials were packed securely into dry ice to keep them at the mandatory ultra-frozen temperature required.

The Sunday shipments are only the beginning, as more of the vaccine is slated to arrive over the next weeks. Later this week, the vaccine submitted by Moderna will see if it will also be green-lighted by the FDA for widespread distribution.

For the vaccine to work effectively, it must be administered with two shots, three weeks apart. Manufacturers of the vaccine state that possible side effects could include temporary fever, fatigue, and aches as the vaccine is designed to get your immune system revved up to fight the virus.

As of this writing, the public is widely divided on whether or not they will take the vaccine. Only half of Americans have said that they would take the vaccine, while a quarter of the public says they do not intend to take the vaccine. As for the remainder, they are still on the fence and unsure as to what they will do.

Will you be first in line for the new COVID-19 vaccinations?