Sudamericana and Libertadores League SBCs Went Live At 6 PM In FIFA 21, Then Instantly Disappeared

Fans have been patiently waiting for the first set of League SBCs to go live in FIFA 21. These are huge SBCs that offer rewards if you can complete an entire league’s worth of players, boosting the cost of their bronze, silver, and gold cards in the market.

At the 6 pm content drop today, the league SBCs for the Sudamericana and Libertadores went live. Players started completing the SBCs, with some even managing to get all the way through and reach those last few packs. There was an 86+ rated pack and 3 83+ packs, all untradeable.

This is the first time that league SBCs have so many untradeable packs and it could be a sign that EA is making moves towards offering fewer tradeable packs as rewards. Apparently, according to popular FIFA player Nepenthez and others who were there while the packs were live, they were only going to be available for 30 days.

However, before many could complete the league SBCs, the SBCs vanished from the game. There has been no message from EA yet whether or not this is a mistake, whether or not they meant to add the SBCs or did it by accident. Players are concerned about the players they’ve already put into the SBC.

Weirdly, something similar happened last year. League SBCs popped up and then vanished. Players got all the cards they put into the SBCs back when they went live again. There’s no telling when that might be, as there is yet to be any official word from FIFA on what exactly is happening.

It’s likely they pushed the league SBCs by accident as part of the ordinary Monday content drop. The cost of Sudamericana and Libertadores cards have already skyrocketed – a good time to cash in on the hype while everyone waits for the SBCs to return.

Throughout FIFA 20, there were multiple league SBCs. This year the SBCs have already arrived later than usual, and if it’s true that they offer only untradeable packs it might make the endless grind a little less rewarding in terms of profit.

Overall, this is typical EA – pushing content early, by accident, or removing it quickly to tweak something that might have been done by mistake. We’ll have to wait and see what happens this week or whether the League SBCs are added later tonight.