Stardust Exile Is A New RTS With Random Spaceship Generation And 200,418,611,014 Star Systems

Based on publicly available information, the remaining 202,670,271,189 star systems’ stars and planets are procedurally produced.

In the Milky Way galaxy, Stardust Exile is a real-time strategy game that features exoplanets and stars that are currently known to exist.

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The Milky Way galaxy, which contains presently available stars and exoplanets with their actual features, serves as the basis for the new space RTS game Stardust Exile.

The remaining 200,418,611,014 star systems of stars and planets are procedurally produced using the data that is currently available. This is based on the current estimate of the galaxy’s star population.

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The names of the stars and planets that players uncover can be modified. They can construct their fleet to stand out from the competition using the procedural spaceship generator built into the game.

The fundamental objective of Early Access is to bring all gamers back to the solar system and put an end to their exile.

As a result, players will naturally gather in the solar system or travel back to the edge of the map to rest and reassemble their fleet. A single-player mode will also be available in the initial release.

A space RTS game called Stardust Exile is built on the Milky Way galaxy and has planetary systems and real stars with their actual properties.

The remaining 202,670,271,189 star systems, which consist of all the stars and planets, are procedurally constructed using the data that is currently available. This is based on the current estimate of the galaxy’s star population.

You can explore and manage star systems, as well as give the stars and planets you command new names that other players will be able to see.

Using a procedural ship generator is a simple way to construct your own ship designs. Finally, to terminate your exile, contend with other players to recapture the Sol star system.