Singer Johnny Nash Passes Away At 80 Years Old

It seems that 2020 really is one of the worst years. The bad news kept pouring, and loved people are taken away from us much too soon.

The most recent popular name that left this world is Johnny Nash, the ‘I Can See Clearly Now’ singer.

His son confirmed the tragic news with Fox News, making sure to highlight the fact that he died due to natural causes in his home in Houston, Texas.

Fans are keeping his family and friends lifted up in prayer.

A follower said: ‘Rest In Peace to Johnny and Eddie Van Halen, two legends :(‘ and someone else posted this message: ‘Oh wow. I remember first hearing that song on a Claritin commercial. 😭’

One other commenter posted: ‘Bro, it had been death after death Eddie Van Halen then that famous actor and now Johnny Nash something is going on! RIP, man.’

Speaking of Van Halen, this leged is also gone too soon. Here’s the message that Ozzy Osbourne posted on his social media account following the tragic passing.

Another commenter posted this message following Johnny Nash’s death: ‘I’m glad y’all named the song he was known for,’ and a person said: ‘death is the only thing promised to us 🤷‍♀️.’

CNN noted that ‘The reggae-influenced “I Can See Clearly Now” hit No. 1 on the Billboard Hot 100 on November 4, 1972, and stayed in the top spot for four weeks, according to Billboard.’

‘The song returned to the Billboard charts when it was recorded by Jamaican reggae star Jimmy Cliff for the 1993 “Cool Runnings” movie soundtrack. Cliff’s version made it to No. 11 on the Billboard charts,’ according to the notes from CNN.