Rapper Scarface Pleads With Potential Kidney Donors Following His Coronavirus Battle

On his Twitter account this Wednesday, Scarface asked his fans and followers if any of them were willing to give up a kidney. The rapper included the line, “B+ blood type,” in case anyone was interested in helping him out. Fans of the Geto Boys, which he founded with Willie D and Bushwick Bill, know that Scarface confirmed his health scare back in April.

The rapper revealed he had been suffering from COVID-19, and it attacked him where he was the most vulnerable. His former bandmate, Bushwick Bill, passed away in 2019. During a conversation with Fox 5 DC back in June, he claimed his kidneys never recovered and he has been on dialysis since.

The rapper said to the publication that the coronavirus took out his lungs first and then it went for his kidneys after. Scarface went on to say that he had a “full lung recovery,” but his kidneys never returned to their normal functioning potential.

The Geto Boys member says he’s still a little weak, and he doesn’t have much strength in his legs these days either. The coronavirus has been in the headlines for its effect on people’s sense of smell and taste, with many sufferers complaining of not getting their senses back for months afterward.

Scarface said that in spite of his current predicament, he’s “glad to be alive.” Many social media users came out to support him afterward with sweet comments and tributes. As it was previously reported, Scarface confirmed he had contracted coronavirus amid the start of the pandemic.

The rapper urged his fans and followers to take the virus seriously because it was “no joke.” It’s currently unclear if Scarface had any preexisting conditions.

His post came right around the same time as the pandemic was first being reported on in the mainstream media. Some people in the hip-hop community, such as Cardi B, questioned whether celebrities were being paid off to say they had contracted the illness.

Idris Elba, one of the first to say he got it, questioned such a theory and asked why anyone would lie about it. He and his wife quarantined after.