Prison Architect Is Free To Play For A Couple Of Days

Prison Architect was a hit construction management game that debuted back in 2015. Developed by Introversion Software, this game gives players the chance to craft their own prison system to keep dangerous criminals away from society.

It has received mostly positive reviews for its creativity, fun concepts, and good storytelling. And to celebrate its now five-year anniversary, the developer is making Prison Architect free to play until October 11th.

You can’t really complain with a free offering during these chaotic times the world now finds itself in. Even if you had to pay for this prison construction management game, the costs are worth the fun elements and bevy of content you get.

If you haven’t been able to join in on the fun, you have a couple of more days to see how great it is to be given the keys to the penitentiary kingdom so to speak. And if you like what you see, the game will be discounted by 80% after this free-play window.

Starting out, the goal is pretty simple. You’re the warden and must figure out how to build a prison that fires on all cylinders. You’re given a ton of resources, but you have to stay on budget. There are many other things you’ll have to manage as well.

That includes what facility upgrades to complete and what professionals to bring on board to help you manage everything you create. What starts off as a simple management game quickly expands into something with limitless potential.

There are so many directions you can take your prison and your actions will affect how everything runs. It’s thus easy to gravitate towards this game because a lot of weight is placed on your shoulders.

The game is so detailed that for every prisoner that comes on board, you have to manage their rehabilitation plan. That includes figuring out what activities they should complete and which therapist they should talk to.

Prison Architect is a very unique concept that is just filled to the brim in fun content. And it doesn’t hurt that there are different modes to keep gameplay fresh. For example, you can play the Escape Mode and go through your own prison — seeing if you can outsmart the system.

There is also online multiplayer, where players can go through thousands of created prisons to try their luck at escaping. You even have a sandbox mode that lets you build and build. With the game being free to play for a couple of more days, now’s the perfect time to get in on this awesome prison action.