President Trump And Melania Test Positive For COVID-19—Will Democrats Swoop In On The News?

On Friday, White House chief of staff, Mark Meadows, assured the public that President Trump was currently experiencing “mild symptoms” after he and first lady Melania had both tested positive for COVID-19, the novel coronavirus.

Meadows spoke to reporters at the White House, stating: “As all of you know, the president and first lady tested positive for COVID-19. They both remain in good spirits.”

Meadows went on to offer: “The president does have mild symptoms, and as we look to try to make sure that not only his health and safety and welfare is good, we continue to look at that for all of the American people.”

Meadows added that only does the president remain in good spirits, but he remains very energetic. During the briefing, Meadows didn’t offer to elaborate on what symptoms the president was experiencing or any treatment that the POTUS medical team may potentially consider. Meadows also said if the first lady was experiencing if any, symptoms as well.

Meadows stated that, as usual, he had spoken to the president Friday morning, several times, and he had received his standard list of five to six things the president instructs him to do every morning.

At this stage, the president’s doctors must continue to keep a close watch on both his and the first lady’s health. Meadows said that he would be happy to give more updates later this today once they have a better idea of the situation. He also added that the White House had devised several contingency plans if such as situation like this one arose.

The chief of staff remarked on the fact that the president was remaining committed to his office and continues to work hard for the American people. Meadows offered that when he spoke to the president this morning, his first two questions were: “How is the economy doing?” and “How are stimulus talks going on Capitol Hill?”

The White House thought that it was in the best interest of the nation if they shared the news of the president testing positive with the novel coronavirus as soon as possible. Meadows stated that is why, when they got confirmation of him testing positive, they send out the early morning tweet.

In the tweet, the president said: “Tonight, FLOTUS and I tested positive for COVID-19. We will begin our quarantine and recovery process immediately. We will get through this TOGETHER!”

Do you think the democrats see this as yet another means of disparaging the president?