PlayStation Studios Released The Story Trailer For Sackboy: A Big Adventure

Little Big Planet fans, you have not been ignored in your plea for more adorable Sackboy’s to arrive.

Granted, they’re still very much gated to the PlayStation because what’s a console without a war, but at least more Sackboy is finally slated to be arriving on consoles very soon. Today, PlayStation Studios has dropped the story trailer for the upcoming next iteration of Little Big Planet, Sackboy: A Big Adventure.

The story, however, is that some bad guy is threatening the world, and the ever-courageous and inspirational Sackboy will come to the rescue.

With this comes the expected full introductions to a ton of zany characters comprised of crafting materials, and more than enough family-friendly shenanigans that mix humor with the dialogue.

Now the story very much can take a backseat as far as many are concerned, far more interested in what new abilities Sackboy will be able to use to navigate levels and the new creative tools that will be offered to fans.

Within the trailer, we see the now-classic tools such as the grappling gun being readily used by Sackboy to navigate perilous levels.

We also can see a blink-ability being used to zip past traps, a few new perspectives that will be used to dash past hazards, zip-lines, balls that Sackboy runs inside of, and of course more than enough jump pads and point orbs with the occasional boss-monstrosities that will test your ability to use various mechanics that, typically, were introduced in-depth in the level prior.

The title is currently scheduled to drop in one month, on November 12, 2020, in NA and Australia with Europe getting it a bit later on November 19. The title is also coming to the PlayStation 4 along with the PlayStation 5, so you don’t need to force a console upgrade simply because it’s the newest flavor in order to appreciate the next iteration of Sackboy.

Along with the multi-gen release comes the ability to transfer your save data, so if you’re interested in eventually getting a PlayStation 5 once the demand is readily met by supply you won’t be forced to restart all of the content, and purchasing the PlayStation 4 version of the title can put the disc in the PS5 and play it on next-gen as well.

With all of the anticipation, it’s easy to forget that we’ve been thwarted a few times in sequels in the past with various developers, but everything released thus far has appeared to be immaculate; at least in appearance. We’ll know the full story in a very short month.