New Method That May Protect Against COVID-19—And You Will Never Guess What It Is

There are many known ways that coronavirus that sparked a worldwide pandemic can be killed. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) still recommends washing your hands with soap and water, and in place of that suggests the use of a hand sanitizer. However, there may be another method of killing the virus that many do not know about.

A new study conducted by Britain’s Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (DSTL) had found what could be a possible means of killing the coronavirus. The best part is, it may already be in your pantry or storage cabinets. The newest potential tool for destroying the COVID-19 virus is that of Citriodiol—and active in ingredient in almost all insect repellents. In the study, it was learned that, when the liquid phase was mixed with the virus, there was an anti-viral activity that resulted in a significant reduction in the coronavirus after only one minute.

Citriodiol is made from the oils of the Eucalyptus citriodora tree, specifically from the leaves themselves. As other products based on essential oils have not met national standards, Citriodiol has for its use in multiple insect repellant products worldwide. The oil has even been approved here in the US by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)—which is referred to by its common generic name of “oil of lemon eucalyptus.” The oil is also currently being pushed by the FDA due to its potential for use in safeguarding against another virus—Zika.

The makers of Citriodiol, Cintrefine International, states that the oil is the “only naturally sourced active ingredient registered for use in the US by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and listed by the US CDC to prevent bites from mosquitoes carrying the Zika virus.”

It is looking like the US may start its own research into the possible effectiveness of Cortriodiol in fighting the novel coronavirus. In a released statement by the Ministry of Defense in Britain, the study they conducted was meant to act as “the foundation for other scientific bodies researching the virus and possible solutions.”

Although admittedly, much is to be learned from the possible use of Cortriodiol, this is not to say that going out and spraying yourself with insect repellent will protect you against COVID-19. That use of the oil is yet to be officially determined after more tests and studies are conducted.

Do you think that Cortriodiol is a possible defense against contracting COVID-19?