NeNe Leakes Praises Kamala Harris Who Just Addressed Black Women In The US

NeNe Leakes praised Kamala Harris who earlier wrote a message, addressing all the black women in the US. Check out the message that Kamala shared on her social media account earlier.

Here’s what NeNe Leakes had to say about this message, showing her gratitude to Kamala.

A follower said: ‘Let’s see what’s being said a year from now,’ and someone else posted this message: ‘This isn’t over folks! Stop kidding yourselves!’

A commenter posted: ‘Sometimes I look around and wonder… what the hell are these people talking about? They’ll say and do anything with no meaning associated with it like robots.’

One follower wrote: ‘I hope you remember that when you lock our black sons up,’ and someone else said: ‘Yes by the time someone important has given all the Black Queens👑 in this land recognition. Thanks, Madame Vice President Harris! We appreciate that very much❤️!’

One follower posted this: ‘She actually should be apologizing to you. She incarcerated thousands of black men in her 27 years as a prosecutor. Her record is pretty bad.’

Someone said: ‘More Division between race?!? Why not just women?’

Another follower posted this: ‘She is only black when it’s convenient for her. She wasn’t black in California, and I’m pretty sure she’s Indian to her white husband.’

NeNe Leakes has been celebrating the latest results of the US election, and she made sure to post something on her social media account to celebrate Joe Biden and Kamala Harris‘ victory.

Joe Biden Insists Kamala Harris Would Make Sure To Call Him Out On Any Mistakes As His Vice President »