Mass Effect Director Announces Several Series Veterans Who Are Returning For The New Game

After that epic and mysterious trailer at The Game Awards for what has only been described as “The Next Mass Effect,” fan interest in the BioWare sci-fi RPG series has been rekindled.

When the game was first announced back on November 7 (dubbed N7 Day by fans), it was promised that the game was being developed by a “veteran team.”

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While that was rather vague at the time, most assumed it meant that developers who had a hand in creating the much beloved original Mass Effect trilogy would be making a big return to BioWare to usher in the next phase.

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This was confirmed on Twitter this week, as many of the developers have announced their inclusion on the game’s team. Some of them are individuals who had left BioWare and are returning for a chance to work on Mass effect once again.

The game’s director, Michael Gamble, retweeted all of the various announcements by his team and gave fans a little background on those who are coming back.

Responding to Dusty Everman’s tweet about the “honor and privilege’ of returning to Mass Effect, Gamble said, “Dusty was one of the key people responsible for bringing the original Normandy to life. Dusty decided to rejoin BioWare to work on the next Mass Effect game. There are more like him. We’ve heard what Mass Effect means to you.”

That last bit about hearing what the franchise means to fans could be an acknowledgement of fan disappointment with Mass Effect: Andromeda, which sought to bring the series in a whole new direction. This title was developed by a mostly new team, and while there were some familiar elements, most long time fans seemed to think that the game didn’t feel like Mass Effect (though there were still many who did enjoy the game).

Also returning for this project will be Parrish Ley, the original cinematic director for the Mass Effect trilogy. Gamble credited him with many of the “amazing moments” players had. Ley is also rejoining BioWare to work on this title.

Brenon Holmes also confirmed his involvement. Gamble described him as a veteran of three Mass Effect games.

“His ingenuity and work helps to bring amazing gameplay systems to the Mass Effect universe,” Gamble said. “Brenon is one of many who want to bring you the game you deserve. As time goes on, you’ll get to know more of us.”

Finally, Gamble confirmed that Derek Watts, the original art director for Mass Effect, would be returning for this new adventure.

There is no release window or title announced for this game, and the timeline and story of this new installment remain a mystery.

It should be noted that former BioWare GM Casey Hudson, who served as creative lead on the original Mass Effect games, will not be returning. He recently “retired” from the company very suddenly.

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Hudson is credited (not in a good way) by most fans for crafting the original ending to Mass Effect 3, which disappointed the fanbase immensely.