Little Big Workshop Is Now Available On The PS4

If you’re into management sim games, there are always a ton of offerings every year. A standout from 2019 is Little Big Workshop, a game that lets players manage their own little workshop. There are endless business opportunities to be had in a title that shows what commercial capitalism is all about.

The game has been available on Xbox One and PC, but after roughly a year, it’s finally available on the PS4. If you play on this platform and are looking to learn the basics of running a successful workshop from your very own living room, then Little Big Workshop is a game you don’t want to miss.

If you’re worried about simulation games that take a long time to master, don’t worry. Little Big Workshop isn’t this type of game. Rather, it’s very approachable and built for the masses. You can pick up the game without any prior history of management simulation titles and starting building your dream warehouse in no time.

Starting off, you’ll have a couple of workers, machines, and work stations to manage. It is during the early stages of development where you can learn the systems and create a strong base for future expansion. As you start earning money for the products your workshop creates, you’ll be able to re-invest this money back into the business.

You can grow your warehouse, invest in more powerful machinery, and hire more staff. With more money comes greater responsibility, though. You’ll have to be extra careful in how you expand and what products you specialize in.

Whatever you decide to do, the great thing about Little Big Workshop is it’s all on you. There are no bosses you have to answer to; you are your own boss and get to steer the ship in whatever direction you want.

Additionally, the sandbox experience gives you plenty to do even after playing for hours. Just as you’ve mastered one machine or product, there are dozens of others waiting around the corner. It’s rewarding seeing your small workshop grow into something massive that you can only dream of in the beginning.

This management sim has a top-down perspective, which is perfect because it lets you see all aspects of your workshop. There is even a day/night cycle to break up work sessions. Little Big Workshop is a little gem that you just have to experience at some point. Now that it’s available on PS4, more gamers can check out its charming nature.