Khloe Kardashian Drops A Message For The Haters

Khloe Kardashian shared a message for her haters following the hateful comments she recently got for allegedly trying to copy Beyonce‘s looks. Check out what she shared on Twitter recently.

She also said:

Someone said: ‘omg I [email protected] when celebs play the victim card and always use the same words to victimize themselves:/ also dont forget how u dragged Jordyn instead of the man who cheated on u hun.’

A follower posted this: ‘People on here commenting about PAST statements. It’s called growth. Google it. P.S you don’t have to follow anyone you don’t like…especially famous people. I promise you; they don’t lose sleep over you guys at night.’

Another commenter said: ‘Growth generally means you gain wisdom, wise up and not make the same stupid choices over and over again. Like dating a basketball player who cheated on his baby mama with you, then turning around, doing it all over again.’

Someone else posted this: ‘Because in the real world, us common folk or the worker bees that do the physical park of making you rich, we tend to get a little sad when we struggle with making rent, paying utilities, buying groceries because we are not paid the livable wage we deserve, thats why…… honey.’

Khloe Kardashian was slammed on social media and is being accused of morphing into Beyonce. The accusations are nothing new as Khloe is frequently accused of looking unrecognizable.