Kanye West Vows To Get Taylor Swift The Rights To Her Albums Back – Again!

The rapper seems very determined to help Taylor Swift get the masters of her oldest six albums back after star manager Scooter Braun bought all the rights without her knowing! As you probably know, Kanye West previously vowed to fix her situation simply through the fact that he is close to Braun!

Now, in a new interview, Ye talked about his plan once more!

That’s right! Kanye West just doubled down on his promise to get Taylor Swift her albums’ masters back from Scooter Braun even though they have never had a good relationship.

In a tweet he sent out on September 18, the rapper promised that he would ‘personally’ make sure he solves this situation for the sake of the singer.

And now, less than a week after, he is once again talking about this mission via an interview for Billboard!

‘All artists need to be free and own their rights. Taylor Swift deserves that, just like everyone else,’ he dished via the publication.

When he was asked whether or not he’d discussed with Scooter Braun about this yet, as he’d vowed to do, he once again insisted that: ‘As I mentioned before, Scooter Braun is a friend and we’ll be having that discussion,’ meaning that he hasn’t.

Indeed, in his first tweet about this, Kanye called the star manager a ‘CLOSE FAMILY FRIEND.’

As for what really happened with him and Taylor, the singer called him out for buying out her former label along with the rights to all of the albums released while under their contract.

Taylor Swift called the situation her ‘worst case scenario’ since Scooter is, apparently, an ‘incessant, manipulative bully’ and has been one for years.

As far as she is concerned, the man bought the masters to those albums simply to control and continue bullying her.