Kamala Harris Asks For Donations For The Biden Fight Fund

Earlier today, it’s been revealed that Kamala Harris was telling her Twitter followers to tune in now for an election protection briefing. Check out the post that she shared on her social media account below.

Now, she’s back with another announcement for her Twitter followers, and she is asking people for donations. Check out her post below.

Someone said: ‘It’s looking more and more like you will be the Vice President and I am so very excited and proud of what you have done @KamalaHarris.’

A commenter said: ‘How Hitler seized power in Nazi Germany: 1. Create a crisis. 2. Demonize opponents. 3. Declare a state of emergency. 4. Undermine elections. 5. Make the rule of law irrelevant. 6. Rule by executive order. Number 4 is trending.’

A follower posted this message: ‘I love seeing TRUMP lose, it’s my daily medicine, my weekly energy, my monthly inspiration and my yearly motivation. His loss is the only reason I’m still alive; I was born to love and enjoy the failure that he has achieved.’

Someone else said: ‘I am a Biden/Kamala supporter, voted as such. One thing that really upsets me is the constant plea for money. It’s been a tough year for most, $15.00 for some means a meal for the family. Have Americans not been thru enough? We are counting on you all to fix things not ask for $.’

What do you think about Kamala’s idea?