Joe Biden Had a ‘Stutter as a Kid’: 25 Things You Don’t Know About Me

President-elect of the United States Joe Biden, the inaugural recipient of the Joyful Heart Foundation’s Finnegan Award in 2016 for his commitment to ending domestic violence, shared 25 interesting things about himself with Us Weekly.

1. I had a debilitating stutter as a kid that I overcame by reading and reciting Irish poems.

2. Growing up, my family’s political connections didn’t extend to the local school board — I was the first senator I ever knew.

3. One of my favorite jobs was working at a public pool in Wilmington, Delaware.

4. I was elected to the Senate at age 29, but turned the constitutionally required age of 30 before being sworn in.

5. I love baseball and football, and was one of the leading scorers on our undefeated football team during my senior year.

6. If I had a different career — and the talent — I’d have been an architect.

7. I love Corvettes and still own a 1967 Corvette that my dad financed for me as a wedding gift.

8. One of my biggest accomplishments in the Senate was writing and passing the Violence Against Women Act.

9. Some of my closest friends from the Senate have been Republicans — folks like Bob Dole and John McCain.

10. As the chairman or lead Democrat on the Judiciary Committee, I’ve overseen more Supreme Court nominations than any other living person.

11. My biggest vice is chocolate chip ice cream, no mint.

12. My wife, Jill [64], is a Philly girl and a die-hard Flyers fan.

13. Jill and I have a German shepherd, Champ.

14. I wear small rosary beads around my wrist, the ones my son Beau wore the day he passed.

15. I’ve had a rule since the Senate: I will interrupt any meeting, even with the president, if my children or grandchildren call.

16. I’ve been focused on foreign policy my whole career, and have flown more than 1.1 million miles on Air Force 2 since becoming VP.

17. I not only serve with the president, but we are close personal friends — as are our families. His children and my grandchildren are best friends.

18. I always have Ray-Ban aviators, which I’ve been wearing since I was a lifeguard in the ’60s, on me.

19. I like working out and try to do it regularly.

20. My younger sister, Valerie, has managed all of my campaigns.

21. My father said we must stand up to the worst sin: abuse of power. This has been the guiding principle of my career.

22. I love meeting children when I’m on the road. It brightens my day!

23. My favorite drink is orange Gatorade.

24. My favorite meal is pasta.

25. My biggest accomplishment is my family. Jill has taught community college full-time while serving as second lady. My daughter Ashley [34] has a master’s of social work and heads the largest criminal-justice nonprofit in Delaware. My son Hunter [46] is a lawyer and runs World Food Program USA. And my son Beau was attorney general of Delaware and a decorated war veteran.

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