Jam Store Announces Pikachu Pokémon Air Toy To Use As A Chair Or Decorative Item

The Pokémon series has grown to be more than just a video game series. Pokémon has launched into memorable animated adaptations, manga series, spin-off-games, a Hollywood-live action film, and a number of physical merchandise.

Fans of Pokémon can pick up a wide variety of real-life items or even view a themed maintenance hole cover in certain locations of Japan. While Pokémon aren’t real, the Pokémon Air series of products hopes to bring some of the characters into the physical space in creative ways.

The Pokémon Air Pikachu is a rideable toy and decorative item. The toy comes with an air pump and a toy in the shape of Pikachu. By using the hand pump to inflate the toy, the Pokémon becomes a toy capable of riding. The toy can handle up to 100 kg, or around 220 pounds, so even some adults can ride on Pikachu like a tiny horse.

The toy has other uses as well. Adults can use the toy as a pillow, propping up feet after a long day, or using it as an interior decoration. The toy is made from PVC, so it’s also easy to clean. Pikachu has a slight forest scene for those afraid of a rubbery balloon-like scent.

The Pokémon Air toy will be sold online through the Japanese website Jam Store. The website also has several images of how children and adults can spend time with the giant Pikachu toy. There are also instructions on how to inflate the toy using the included pump.

Other images include a father and daughter racing on the toy, a child hugging Pikachu, an adult using Pikachu as a pillow while it keeps its shape, and more.

The Pokémon Air Pikachu toy could also be used as a companion piece. Many remember the animated adaptation of the series, along with Pokémon Yellow, where Pikachu would follow Ash around. Ash and his Pikachu are close friends with a strong bond, and this product is similar, minus any speaking ability.

It’s unknown at this time if more Pokémon are expected to launch as part of the Pokémon Air product line. The website also does not state if quantities are limited or if they will be sold outside of Japan.

Reservations began on October 1 with delivery expected in mid-November. Pikachu will cost around 8,250 Yen or around $80.