Iowa State Professor Called To Task For Class Syllabus—Are Universities Still Institutions For Learning?

A professor at Iowa State University has found herself in hot water for releasing a syllabus to her students that warned of disciplinary actions if students chose to undertake any projects that spoke out against Black Live Matter or abortion.

The syllabus, labeled as a “GIANT WARNING,” had a section that banned such areas as “instances of othering,” which is defined as “sexism, ableism, or homophobia,” as well as a variety of other issues. In the syllabus, the instructor stated: “The same goes for any papers/projects: you cannot choose any topic that takes at its based that one side doesn’t deserve the same basic human rights as you do.”

The instructor went on to list those topics that were not allowed as being gay marriage, abortion, Black Lives Matter, as well as others. It was stated that they took the situation very seriously.

On Monday, a screenshot of the alleged syllabus was released by a conservative youth organization, Young America’s Foundation. With the screenshot was the claim that the syllabus came from a professor named Chloe Clark.

Upon further investigation, the university’s website states that Clark is an instructor for their English 250 course—instructing “written, oral, visual and electronic composition,” and is required for students to graduate.

In a statement to Fox News, in regards to the syllabus, the university described it as being “inconsistent” with the institution’s commitment in regards to the nation’s First Amendment rights.

A spokesperson for the university added that the syllabus has since been corrected and that the faculty member (Clark) has been provided with additional information that lines out the First Amendment policies as they apply at the university.

The statement added: “Iowa State is firmly committed to protecting the First Amendment rights of its students, faculty, and staff.”

In the wake of George Zimmerman having been acquitted in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin in 2013, the Black Lives Matter movement officially was given birth. Originally only a hashtag #blacklivesmatter on many social media platforms, it has since morphed into local chapters as well as a multitude of demonstrations.

Then, after the death of suspect George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis law enforcement officer earlier this year, many of those demonstrations have become more violent in nature.

Iowa State openly promotes Black Lives Matter, so much so that after Floyd’s death, the dean of the university issued a statement that pledged to thoroughly examine the institution’s policies and practices to make that they are and remain equitable.

Are higher learning institutions becoming yet another means of indoctrinating our children?