Holidays Gatherings Are Discouraged—Experts Say Asking For Spikes

Holidays Gatherings Are Discouraged—Experts Say Asking For Spikes

With the holidays rapidly approaching, many are thinking of gathering with family and friends. However, there is a concern in this day and age of the coronavirus pandemic and the best way to handle holiday parties, gift exchanges, and even those highly-anticipated big family meals.

According to Dr. Fauci, how we approach this holiday season will need some changes made due to the ongoing pandemic compared to the previous year’s celebrations.

The biggest suggestion that Fauci offers is that of forgoing any large family get together or gathering. Many would not think twice about traveling long distances to be with family at a gathering held inside in years past.

However, in 2020—the year of the pandemic—the very same actions can only present with the possibility of family members being high risk for contracting and becoming sick with COVID-19.

Go Virtual

The only safe way to “gather” with both family and friends is to do it virtually. Make the visit creative—why not set up a laptop where the person would have sat had they been there in person.

Fauci offered that his daughters would not be traveling home to visit with him during the holidays out of precaution for his health.

In a recent interview, Fauci offered that his daughters decided on their own not to visit for Thanksgiving, even though all three want to be home during the holiday.

Use Caution When Traveling

If you decide to travel over the holidays, you must take every precaution possible. When feasible, opt for driving to your destination rather than flying, and make minimal stops along your route.

Once arriving at your final destination, you will need to quarantine yourself for five days and make sure to get tested for COVID-19.

Remember Testing

It is important to remember that data from studies have shown that an estimated one in five individuals who have contracted the coronavirus present as asymptomatic.

This term indicates that you may feel 100% healthy and assume you do not have the virus, but in fact, could potentially be a spreader anyhow.

Remember, it is not worth taking the chance to spread the virus and get a cherished family member sick.

Practice Protocols

If at all possible, if you feel the need to gather, keep the numbers as low as possible. It is vital that all attendees practice social distancing, and all present don facial masks when not eating or drinking.

In an interview with 60 minutes, Fauci stated that: “masks really do work in preventing infection.” Fauci is so sure that the wearing of masks is so vital that he would be on board for a nationwide mandate on their use.

Do you think that families gathering for the upcoming holidays will result in a massive spike of coronavirus cases?