Hailey Bieber Says Marriage With Justin Bieber Still Takes “A Lot of Work”

Hailey Bieber and Justin Bieber are one of Hollywood’s most favorite couples. The two have a ton of PDA in their lives, whether you manage to catch them out and about or follow them on social media, the two are not afraid to let the world know that they cannot get enough of one another.

It’s been an interesting ride for the couple so far. The two dated on and off multiple times in 2015 before realizing that they are made for each other. Eventually, rings were put on fingers in the summer of 2018 with the official courthouse wedding taking place in September of the same year, and the more festive celebration of their love for each other was done in 2019 in South Carolina.

However, despite a romance that they can’t help but share with the rest of the world, Hailey has revealed that even though she feels she is married to her best friend, the relationship between the two doesn’t come naturally, rather they choose to work at it every day and that is how they manage to keep love alive.

Hailey’s exact comments on the matter were as follows:

“He’s still the person that I wanna be rushing back to. I might fly somewhere and go do a job, but I can’t wait to come back and hang out. And I feel like that’s because of the effort that’s been put in on both sides. At the end of the day, like, he’s my best friend, but it still does take a lot of work to make it work.”

While the couple just have the 2 of them in their family at the moment, but in the same statement, Hailey even addressed the possibility of having children with Justin one day and what that would entail.

“And then I know eventually when kids come in the picture, that’s going to be a whole other season of navigating how to make that work.”

Hailey has set the record straight that while the two look like they have the ideal relationship, such things aren’t just found but made with lots of effort and that is something everyone in love should be prepared for.