George W. Bush Congratulates Joe Biden And Kamala Harris And Encourages American People To Unite

George W. Bush made sure to congratulate President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris after their victory in the 2020 presidential election was confirmed! The former Republican President had only positive things to say and encouraged the country to unite after years of division under Donald Trump’s leadership.

In a new statement he released, the former president shared that he had spoken to Biden and Harris over the phone and offered ‘my prayers for his success and my pledge to help in any way I can.’

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He also made sure to mention Kamala Harris’ history making VP election since she is the first woman to have this position, as well as the very first Black, Indian and biracial VP ever!

‘Though we some have political differences, I know Joe Biden is a good man, who’s won his opportunity to lead and to unify our country,’ Bush went on to add.

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Furthermore, Bush congratulated Donald Trump as well, stressing that his more than 70 million votes were an ‘extraordinary political achievement’ as well, regardless of his loss.

After all, voter turnout is a ‘positive sign of our democracy’s health and a reminder of its strength. No matter how you may have voted, your vote counted. President Donald Trump has his right to request recounts and to pursue legal challenges, and any unresolved issues will be adjudicated properly. The American people can have confidence this election was fundamentally fair, its integrity will be upheld and its outcome is clear.’

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Bush went on to also stress that ‘We must come together for the sake of our families and our neighbors, for our nation and its future. There is no problem that will not yield to the gathered will of a free people. Join us in wishing our next president and vice president well as they prepare to take up their important duties.’