Fingers Crossed! TV Couples We Need to See Together in 2022

Let’s skip to the good part! As different TV shows continue to tease explosive couples on screen, there comes a time when the only next step is commitment.

During season 3 of Nancy Drew, fans got to see Nancy (Kennedy McMann) battle her feelings for Ace (Alex Saxon), which she thought were unrequited. Toward the end of the season, Ace expressed his love for Nancy, but their happily ever after ended up doomed because of Temperance (Olivia Taylor Dudley).

Following the shocking finale, showrunner Noga Landau opened up about finally exploring the connection between the pair.

“We just felt like it was about time. We felt like we’d earned it. People have been waiting, the characters have been waiting, and it just felt really organic,” she told TVLine in January. “It also felt totally organic to then move into a story line where their love is very much star-crossed.”

Nancy and Ace seemed to find happiness together, until a shocking twist revealed that it was all a simulation. According to showrunner Melinda Hsu Taylor, Nancy’s knowledge of what could have been would continue to haunt her into season 4.

“To her, the experience of being responsible for Ace’s death in a car crash was very emotionally real to her. That’s going to be quite the deterrent anytime she even wants to give him a look that she wouldn’t give to a platonic friend,” Taylor told Entertainment Weekly that same month. “Her mind is so regimented that she will train herself not to let him know how she feels, which is going to convince him all the more that something’s going on, because he knows Nancy wouldn’t be one day about to kiss him and the next day like he’s just somebody she barely knows. It’s going to live in her mind in a really real way and influence a lot of her actions.”

As fans awaited news of season 4, Landau revealed that the emotions would be kicked up an extra notch for the hopeful couple. “Season 4 is going to be a season of intense yearning for both of them,” she added to EW. “It’s only ramping it up even more, for sure. For me, this show is always about the simmering love and yearning — for multiple characters, but especially for Nancy and now for Nancy and Ace together.”

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