David Adefeso Explains How And Why He Created His Most Recent Business

David Adefeso has been really concerned about young people and he created a new business to help students with their loans. Check out what he had to say about all this in a recent post that he dropped on his social media account.

‘“I Pay $900 A Month In Student Loans” I started @sootchyapp 2-1/2 years ago as an indirect result of a conversation I had with a young lady similar to Brittany. At the time I had no idea how big the problem of student loans was and its role in keeping a huge segment of our population in the never-ending cycle of debt and monthly bills. My mission is to solve this problem so no child in America ever has to take out another dollar of student loans.⁣,’ David wrote in the caption of his post. ⁣⁣ He continued and said: ‘With a great education free of the baggage of student loans our kids have a chance to soar and be whatever they dream to be. And those dreams should be limited “only by the extent of their imagination, not the color of their skin or the socio-economic background into which they were born”.⁣⁣’


A follower posted this: ‘This is so sad..I feel really bad for her..64.00 only towards the actual loan! Wow what a rip off..Thank you for sharing David and I hope you all are able to help her❤’

One commenter said: ‘I wish there were better options for those who are CURRENTLY dealing with the outrageous student loan debts. Great that you guys are working on preventives, I would love more financial insight on how to get help in a present state of debt.’

Someone else posted: ‘There should be laws that’s passed to prevent these loan companies from charging us all this interest. It’s the deferments that May cause harder penalties. The representative u talk to are so nice and they will offer u all these choices on deferring the payment, to me it’s designed to put u further and further in debt. It’s not fair. 😩’

A confused Instagrammer said: ‘Trying to figure out how @sootchyapp supposed to help with student loan debt…’

David hopped in the comments and answered: ‘In a nutshell – Sootchy’s goal is to prevent people from having to take out student loans. We’re empowering parents to utilize 529 plans to plan ahead and save. Friends and family can donate to this plan electronically, too! We’ve got big ideas 👏🏾At the current moment we’re running a $40,000 sweepstakes – one lucky winner could use the prize to pay off student loan debt!’

As you probably know by now, things ended badly between David Adefeso and Tamar Braxton. She was even close to committing suicide about two months ago.

David Adefeso‘s reputation as the good guy is being more tarnished by the minute.