CS:GO – MIBR Eliminated From BLAST Premier Series After A Wildly Surprising Run

MIBR has been a bit wild in recent months, struggling against tier 2 and tier 3 teams publically while becoming increasingly angry on social media, lashing out against supporters and other teams as they struggled to maintain relevance against teams that are increasing in strength.

Then they trimmed some fat, and they have come back with a vengeance.

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Yesterday, MIBR faced off against FURIA in a battle for Brazil, and the new MIBR line-up managed to slap FURIA out of the BLAST Premier Spring Series 2020 with a (2-1) scoreline. MIBR managed to take both Nuke and Vertigo with confidence; FURIA never managed double-digits with points.

It brought MIBR to the Group C Loser Finals against G2 today in yet another (2-1), but this time on the receiving end instead of doling out the punishment as G2 managed to take both Nuke in overtime and a decidedly quick Train map (16-5).

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MIBR is looking leagues better than they did only a month ago, but that isn’t without some healthy caveats that fans would be wise to pay heed to.

Vinicius ‘vsm’ Moreira is currently a rifle within MIBR and looked mostly decent in the past two days. Unfortunately, he also has a VAC ban on record from when he was thirteen-years-old, meaning that he can never play in any Majors for Counter-Strike.

The lifetime bans that VAC offenders earn from Majors is a key point in helping deter cheaters: arguments have been exhaustively crafted for both sides over the years and will likely be a point of contention well into the future, lawsuits be damned.

As the ruling currently stands, however, MIBR can’t play the rifler in Majors which offers a bit of a snag for the Brazilian team for whenever the next Major will be.

Vinicius played for DETONA for slightly over two years, from July 2018 until October 2020; the odd timing of his leave points to a purchase option from MIBR that leaves some scratching their heads. His talent isn’t questioned, his viability currently is.

This aside, however, and the play from MIBR bodes extremely well considering that the current roster has been practicing for an extremely short time thus far, and managed to knock out FURIA who has been holding the mantle of best from Brazil for more than a couple of months.

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Six-man rosters are now also a thing, with Vitality recently pulling off planned substitutions in longer matches. Whether or not a core could involve the previously VAC-banned ‘vsm’ is likely going to be a new debate that stretches far longer than it needs to.