CS:GO – Fans Astonished To Learn That Esport Players Have Some Tweets Written For Them

Here’s the baffling news of the morning as multiple Astralis members have sent out tweets with their names preceding them, giving away the game that the players have many of their tweets written for them by a third-party PR organization.

Some, fascinatingly, are astonished and furious that international stars would have others help with their social media to-do’s on top of grinding for twelve hours a day; Duncan Shields went as far to note that he wants to urinate on their jerseys.

Granted, that’s just Thorin being Thorin, but it’s still an ambitiously hot take.


These are people consistently given a platform, just as a fun note.

Lukas Rossander owned up to it and made fun with a tweet of his own doing, to punctuate the sudden madness that somehow occurred from the inclusion of a name before a tweet.

Here’s the hot take: this is standard within sports, and celebrities in general. In fact, it should be more widespread than it currently is, as that could possibly help with MIBR’s fascinatingly poor showing in public on Twitter.

It could help Overwatch League with their young professionals suddenly thrust into the spotlight, where they are known to become a bit unhinged and get fined consistently until they leave the league as they aren’t public-friendly enough.

Yet, in spite of what many would register as common sense, users are furious that every tweet that comes from users isn’t composed entirely by that user, as though social media management doesn’t exist for a multitude of reasons that stretches well beyond esports, and into standard sports and business.


While many of us are more than content with ‘low-effort’ posting across whatever stomping grounds we deem sufficient for our poor takes and opinions, many of the larger users on social media have their accounts managed by a third party.

Further, this practice should be more widely adopted across esports to ensure that organizations don’t become the whipping post after a rambunctiously hot take, or accusing teenagers of cheating in a match.

Instead, we’re now having a discussion on whether the players within Astralis have had their voices taken from them on a public platform as everyone collectively gasps that some shadowy big brother entity is squatting on everyone’s social media.

It could be surprising form those that aren’t a bit more understanding of how social media operates for larger names and busy personalities; the idea that you aren’t personally interacting with the person, but instead, an organization that the person (or company) has hired to control the interaction and regularly supply content.