Bruce Springsteen Says He’s Gotten Very Good At Doing Therapy

According to Bruce Springsteen, he’s amazing at therapy. During the latest issue of AARP this month, the 71-year-old rocker said the “talking cure” has been working for him in a big way. Bruce emphasized the importance of committing oneself to the process, and he admits it was something he had a knack for.

Page Six picked up on the issue of the magazine in which Bruce, who appeared on the cover, explained how he had a lot of issues in his life that he never understood. Springsteen says he learned a lot from digging deep into his psyche.

Followers of the iconic rocker know he is in the middle of dropping his 20th record, Letter to You, making his return back to rock music. According to the performer, he and his team spent around one week in the studio, and they finished the entire album.

It was a special record for him to produce, he claims because he and his band had never cut an album live in the studio without overdubs before. As for what he plans to do once the pandemic is over, Bruce said that he was going to throw the best party the world has ever seen.

This wouldn’t be the first time Bruce has been in the headlines over the last few weeks. The performer recently took the stage in the middle of one of his performances and read some of the names of the people who lost their lives amid the pandemic.

The singer-songwriter also put the president, Donald Trump, on blast for refusing to wear a mask. The performer urged the politician to wear a mask and have respect for his fellow human beings. Amid his performance, Bruce took the opportunity to talk politics, taking particular aim at the president.

This wouldn’t be the first time a celebrity has spoken on the importance of wearing face protection.

Earlier in the year, Sharon Stone slammed The Apprentice alum for refusing to wear a mask, insinuating that he and other “non-mask wearers” were facilitating the spread of the virus and the loss of human life.