Blizzard Continues Beta Testing For Mythic Difficulty Of World Of Warcraft: Shadowlands’ Castle Nathria

As the release of the upcoming World of Warcraft: Shadowlands expansion comes closer and closer, Blizzard has been hard at work keeping everything tuned. After having to force the delay of the release to November 23rd, Blizzard has done their best to be transparent with changes.

When they announced the release date for the expansion, they also gave us the upcoming release date for the Mythic difficulty of Castle Nathria. This final tier of the first raid of the expansion will be released on December 8th.

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To that end, there’s still plenty to see! With a bit more than a month left before the race for World First begins, as well as the general surge that players greet new content with, Blizzard is working hard to ensure they’re ready.

Today, the developers announced that they would be doing some testing for the Mythic difficulty of Castle Nathria in specific, highlighting the different mechanics and tuning that the hardest difficulty brings to the table for players.

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In specific, they’ll be testing three bosses out of the many that players will encounter. This round of testing targets the Stone Legion Generals, Sludgefist, and the Council of Blood encounters, each of whom are given a different time to test.

Testing is set to begin on Friday, November 6th, on the World of Warcraft: Shadowlands beta. That means that players who were accepted or invited into the beta are the only ones who are able to help test these bosses for Blizzard.

The first to test will be the Stone Legion Generals, taking place at 13:00 PST. Second comes the Council of Blood an hour later at 14:00 PST, finishing with Sludgefist at 15:00 PST. Make sure to check what these times turn to in your timezone so you don’t miss the tests!

These times are also fluid, as Blizzard warns in their announcement. “We might have to change the time of a testing session, change the bosses being tested, or cancel a test entirely, due to bugs, server hardware issues, etc.,” the developers write.

Blizzard anticipates testing to last about two to three hours, given the hour-long gap between each boss, giving the development team plenty of time to gather information and see what they need to tweak or fix.

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However, keep in mind that this timeline is just as fluid as the start times themselves, and could easily be changed. Regardless of whether the testing is able to continue as planned, Blizzard is thankful to everyone who gives their time to help make sure the content is properly tested and tweaked for its release on December 8th!