Beyonce’s daughter has grown so much that it is easy to confuse her with her mother

No surprise, they say that other people’s children grow up quickly. It seems that more recently, the daughter of Jay-Z and Beyoncé, Blue Ivy , was a tiny baby, as now she has already become a very adult child, if not a young lady.

The other day, Blue Ivy, along with her famous father, attended a basketball game in San Francisco and immediately attracted attention.

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The daughter of a star couple has grown noticeably and has become even more like her famous mother.

10-year-old Blue Ivy let out her curly locks and put on hoop earrings fans immediately realized whose image served as inspiration.

“Mini Beyoncé,” “She is very beautiful, just like her mother,” and “I really see Beyoncé in her,” they say on the Web.

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Blue Ivy inherited a lot from her famous parents. She is just as partial to fashion as they are; she has long felt confident in public and continues to make herself known in the world of show business at least the first Grammy is already in her piggy bank.

A couple more years and Blue Ivy will probably already be in full competition with her famous parents – she has ambition and confidence.

In a previous post, Jay Z presented his new album 4:44. In addition to the rapper’s tracks, it included the composition “Blue’s freestyle,” in which the 6-year-old daughter of the artist and his wife Bainse raps.

And now, the musician decided to give his daughter a gift and released an animated video with her recording.

Although the video is only available through a paid subscription, a 40-second teaser has been posted online that reveals the contents of the video.

According to the plot, a drawn Blue Ivy participates in a talent competition at a ballet school. However, upon entering the stage, the girl begins not to perform ballet steps but reads freestyle.