Apex Legends Confirmed As Coming To Steam On November 4 Promising Larger Playerbase

It’s happening, but how excited you want to be about this depends on precisely how much of an optimist that you are; Electronic Arts is officially bringing the free to play battle royale, Apex Legends, to Steam.

It’s worth noting that in recent cooperative works between the two thus far, things haven’t been as pristine as many fans would have wanted.

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There’s next to no communication regarding what, and when, is coming to EA Play on Steam, and attempting to scour the internet for precisely what will be arriving (or even what you have a 10 hour pass to as a subscriber to EA Play on Steam) is a difficult and outright arduous process that often appears to be obfuscated for the sheer fun of it.

Titles that have been brought from Origin onto Steam, such as Mass Effect 3, still experience a litany of issues that has both Valve and EA pointing to each other as the culprit while the bugs regarding framerate instability continue to frustrate fans; drawing some comparisons as to how Mass Effect on PC never really got a fair shake, and also still has a litany of issues well-embedded in the title that will apparently never be fixed.

Here’s hoping those are all finally fixed in the upcoming Mass Effect Legendary Edition trilogy.

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With this in mind, let’s go ahead and bring out the big news cautiously: Apex Legends is coming to Steam on November 4, and it appears that a bit of forethought (at least more than usual) has been applied; users will be able to carry over their progress between Origin and Steam freely, without any hurdles needing to be cleared nor other obstacles to be navigated.

Account unlocks (such as those from prior seasons) will be ready for you in the Steam version.

On top of that, Respawn Entertainment has announced that some adorable weapon charms are going to be made available for Steam users that celebrate the storied legacy of the platform with a headcrab, companion cube, and potato-form GLADOS.

Be still our beating hearts, it looks like we may be having a platform port that isn’t riddled by bugs.

Note that there tends to be a bit of conflict between the Steam overlay and Origin overlay, both acting as additional DRM layers for the respective platforms, and this has been a bit of a thorn in titles past; you may want to explore the title carefully on Steam prior to announcing it as either a huge success, or another misguided progressive step into opening title constraints that have been haphazardly applied.

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If nothing else, this promises a bit of a larger userbase for fans of Apex Legends to either destroy mercilessly, or to colloquially sherpa them throughout the nuance and excitement that the game has to offer.